Casey Luskin leaves Discovery Institute; I will miss him

Center_for_Science_and_Culture_(logo)Casey Luskin has just announced his departure from the Discovery Institute, in order to further his studies. We will miss the enlightenment that he brings. For example, in his farewell piece, he tells us that

Evolutionary biologists are now admitting we need “post-Darwinian” models to explain the Cambrian explosion.

Casey is right; we really do need “post-Darwinian” models to explain the Cambrian explosion. Things like Mendelian inheritance, mutation, population genetics, and, in this context, palaeogeochemistry, which is why evolutionary biologists have been decidedly post-Darwinian since around 1905.

Casey does not tell us what he is going to study, but I rather hope that it will be chemistry. Then, in due course, he will be fully equipped to explain to us that Dalton couldn’t even get the structure of water right, that Faraday’s electrical theory of bonding needs to be revised in the light of quantum mechanics, that many of the postulated intermediates in chemical reactions have never even been observed, that (as predicted by Intelligent Alchemy) many of Lavoisier’s elements turn out not to be elements at all, and that our schools should allow students to evaluate for themselves the unwarranted metaphysical assumptions of chemical materialism, and the merits of the phlogiston theory.

Disclosure: unlike many far better people, I have been insulted by Casey only once, when he accused me and the British Centre for Science Education of concealing our atheism for tactical reasons. Guilty as charged; we conceal it so well that one of BCSE’s most prominent members at the time, now its official spokesman, is an Anglican priest. Devious, these evolutionists. You need to watch them.

Casey, you will be sadly missed.

Update; more here: The word is that he will be replaced by Ann Gauger, who knows more biochemistry and therefore has, and uses, a  much greater capacity for misunderstanding.

About Paul Braterman

Science writer, former chemistry professor; committee member British Centre for Science Education; board member and science adviser Scottish Secular Society; former member editorial board, Origins of Life, and associate, NASA Astrobiology Insitute; first popsci book, From Stars to Stalagmites 2012

Posted on January 1, 2016, in Accommodationism, Creationism, Education, Evolution, Religion, Science and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Peddling and Scaling God and Darwin and commented:
    Well, another of the Disco Tute moves on. As Paul says he could learn some chemistry or perhaps some other science or even theology.

    Having met many of he Disco Tute types in 2000 I still cannot grasp what they are trying to do as it does nothing for science or Christianity.

    In 20years they have produced no science

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I seriously think that his replacement at the Discovery Institute won’t be as nearly as entertaining as Mr. Luskin. And equally unproductive…


  3. Amusing piece. Lovely way to start the new year – thanks!


  4. In case anyone wonders why Casey’s replacement, Ann Gauger, is referred to as “Green Screen,” click here for the details:


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